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Wall of the Fusillés
Wall of the Fusillés

From August 21, 1941 to July 21, 1944, 218 patriots were shoot by the Germans in the ditches of the Arras Citadel. Four in 1941, ninety-three in 1942, forty-three in 1943 and seventy-eight in 1944. The youngest of these martyrs was 16 and a half, named Julien Delval; the oldest was 69, named Henri Quéval.The men shot belonged to nine different nationalities: 189 French, 15 Poles, 5 Belgians, 3 Soviets, 2 Portuguese, 1 Italian, 1 Hungarian, 1 Czech, 1 Yugoslav. All social categories were represented: 1 priest, 7 teachers, 10 craftsmen, shopkeepers, 11 farmers, 16 employees, civil servants, 10 SNCF railway workers, 33 workers, 130 miners.
Source Wikipasdecalais
Credit photo "Arras wall shot entrance". Via Wikipasdecalais.

Wall of the Fusillés
Wall of the Fusillés.

Wall of the Fusillés

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